FLORIDAZE Vietnam Photo Gallery

FLORIDAZE Photo Gallery


This gallery is now under construction

This is the first third of my photos posted on 3/25/01. The second posting should be done by April 2nd., and the rest by the end of April. I could use some help in identifying some of the missing names. Also, the Company "C" Roster in this web is incomplete. If you are missing or need to update info, please email me with data.

You are free to use any of the photos listed on this page for any non-commercial, and honorable purpose. If you use them on a personal site, send me the link and I'll post it for you on this web.

On LZ Bronco On LZ Liz
Bronco Looking down on Bronco from Montezuma
Bronco Lau, Crady, (?), Farmer; Montezuma FDC at Bronco
Bronco Montezuma / LZ Bronco
Bronco ARVN (or VC? you never know) LZ Bronco
Bronco ARVN - LZ Bronco
Bronco Sgt George Brewster LZ Bronco
Bronco Crady, Gaukel on Montezuma FDC/ Bronco 
Bronco Diaz on Montezuma/Bronco, building FDC 
Bronco Sgt. Phil Gaukel on Montezuma/Bronco
Bronco Gaukel on Montezuma/Bronco, building the FDC
Bronco Construction of luxury apartment on Montezuma
Bronco Larry Marino at Co. HQ on Montezuma
Bronco Larry Marino building FDC on Montezuma
Bronco Larry Marino in my Mortar Pit on Montezuma
Bronco Building Mortar Pit on Montezuma during Co. Stand down. Charles Riggs in center (need help with other names)
Bronco Munoz & Gaukel building FDC on Montezuma
Bronco C 3/1 11th.Weapons at Montezuma/Bronco  during Co. Stand down. FDC Tent, 3 Mortar Crew pits and bunkers. 
Bronco FDC Tent,  Mortar Crew pit and bunker.
On Montezuma/Bronco during Co. Stand down
Bronco Building FDC Tent,  Mortar Crew pits and bunkers.
Bronco Building FDC Tent,  Mortar Crew pits and bunkers.
Bronco Looking West-NW at a rainbow Bronco 
Bronco Charles Riggs (need help with the two in background)
At Montezuma/Bronco during Co. Stand down
Bronco Dixon, Riggs Farmer, Diaz (in foreground) on Montezuma/Bronco FDC during Co. Stand down
Bronco Looking out toward Tripoli from Montezuma
LZ-Liz  Looking North at LZ Liz - Early Photo
LZ-Liz  LZ Liz - Mortar & HQ area
LZ-Liz  3/1 Area Sign. I believe it was on Liz (Bronco??)
LZ-Liz HE & WP artillery on VC area between Liz & Bronco
LZ-Liz  Lt. (need help w/ his name) about Feb./ 1969 on Liz
LZ-Liz "Thinking 12,000 miles away" Feb. 1969 on Liz
LZ-Liz Mortar Crew (need names) on Liz
LZ-Liz C Co. HQ at  Liz
LZ-Liz  Tom Crichfield(?) C Co. HQ at  Liz
LZ-Liz Liz from Puncher Bunker (I think)
LZ-Liz  Psg. Ernest Lau - Weapons C 3/1 "I'm in the army you 'draft dodger', my first name is sergeant"
LZ-Liz Psg. Ernest Lau - Weapons C 3/1
LZ-Liz Sgt. Tony Martinez (?) - Weapons C 3/1
LZ-Liz Minesweeping the Liz access road every day
LZ-Liz Mortar Crew on Liz (need names)
LZ-Liz  Sgt. Alan Rossman (?)
LZ-Liz Cpt. William Straub
LZ-Liz (need name) & Lt. Yamada
Duc Pho Village Adults and Children
Duc Pho Through the wire from Bronco
Duc Pho Looking west from Montezuma at Bronco
Duc Pho Looking south on main road in Duc Pho 
Duc Pho Looking north on main road in Duc Pho 
Duc Pho Through the wire Duc Pho from Bronco bunker 18
Duc Pho Driving from Bronco to Liz, S. of  Duc Pho
Maps Other

 Quang Ngai Prov Really Big Map 523kb -Have patience

Duc Pho Topo Map Big Map 221kb - Have patience

My Lai (4) My Lai (4) Air Assault map 3/16/68

APC On the road between Bronco & Da Nang
APC On the road between Bronco & Da Nang
Quad 50 Quad 50 at Liz, mounted on the back of a 5- ton truck for mobility.
Huey Slick at LZ Bronco
Huey Slick at LZ Bronco
Gunship  Huey Gunship at LZ Bronco

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